Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Blog of my own

Nearly 6 months ago, I started writing a blog about some changes happening in my life. I was retiring from teaching after 16 years and my 92 yr. old mother-in-law was about to move in with us. I had never written a blog. While I envisioned the blog as being a way for me to process the changes, the subject matter was almost completely about my mother-in-law. To my surprise, the writing was well received and many friends and colleagues followed it. Now that my mother-in-law is in foster care, I don't post in it as often. See www.nakedmetamorphosis.blogspot.com

But I've discovered I want to keep writing about my experiences. Not for others to read necessarily, but for me. So here it is. The first post of Naked Chronicle. Stay tuned.